“BETA Camp taught me how to be adaptable. Only having six weeks to build a startup was a very short amount of time, but it taught me how to adjust to the challenges you may face, how to look at a problem and know how to fix it, how to work in a team and communicate.”
Eva Amin completed BETA Camp in Summer 2022 where she built a subscription start-up of self-care boxes. She recently gave a TedX talk at the Cherry Creek Women TedX conference, where she spoke about her experience at BETA Camp and why social media can be a force for good. Watch the video below.
Eva Amin is currently a high-senior in Colorado, United States, currently focused on the multitude of clubs she’s part of, and applying for college.
“I go to a super small school, there's about 100 people per grade. I'm the Vice President of Future Business Leaders of America and I'm the founder of this club called Women in Suits, where we teach younger women about the business industry in hopes to inspire them to pursue that path. I’m also involved in a non-profit, YouthReach, where we gather a group of students, and we put them on different boards around Colorado and help them fundraise for the causes they care about.”
Despite the intensity of Eva’s schedule, she still managed to find the time to attend BETA Camp, and built a successful revenue-generating startup.
“BETA Camp is definitely the best program I’ve been in. We built a self care subscription box for women. The box didn’t just focus on the sexy forms of self-care, such as face masks and bath bombs, but tried to nurture psychological, spiritual and emotional self-care too. We ended up getting about 10 customers.”
The program taught Eva an enormous amount about the intricacies of building a start-up, but also helped her develop interpersonal skills, alongside the ability to self-improve and adapt.
“BETA Camp taught me how to be adaptable. Only having six weeks to build a startup was a very short amount of time, but it taught me how to adjust to the challenges you may face, how to look at a problem and know how to fix it, how to work in a team and communicate.”

Eva is currently applying for college, looking to pursue a degree in marketing, but has still not given up on her dream of one day building a self-care subscription service, with a focus on either pregnant women or toys and clothing young children - that allows parents to return them once they’ve outgrown them. Her advice for college applicants?
“I think being genuine and being yourself is key - when you’re telling them what they want to hear, they’re going to be able to see that. Also being unique is important. They're gonna to see a lot of the same things, so try to find an angle that makes you stand out.”
One unique angle Eva is currently using in her college application is her experience at BETA Camp, alongside the above mentioned TEDX talk Eva recently delivered at the Cherry Creek Women TedX conference.

“Half of my college application essay was about BETA Camp, and the other half about the TED talk. When I first walked into the first training session for TED talk, they told me you can’t memorize your talk, which freaked me out a bit. But then I reflected on my experience at BETA Camp, and how it taught me to be adaptable. There were moments in my TED Talk, where I totally forgot what I was going to say. But that skill of being adaptable and just shifting my thinking based on what is happening, I definitely learnt from BETA Camp.”